Use of swimming goggles
Clip type: 10 steps adjustable

Moving up the nose clip,the nose bridge is locked and moving it down, the nose bridge is unlocked. Please check up the nose clip on the locked position,After setting up, don't pull out the nose bridge strongly. it could make the nese clip unloked or lens frame broken.
Clip type: 10 steps adjustable

- to open
- to lock
ladder type: 8 steps adjustable

* The nose bridge is made of polyurethane that is not broken easily.
- As seeing,
① , turm the nose bridge 180º, and pull it out as the number - ②, to take it out. After sellecting the proper step, as
- ③, hang up the step on the below hook and pull it up strongly.
How to adjust the general type head strap

Pushing the button, you can release the head strap. After releasing the strap, wear the goggles and pull the end of the strap until you have a decent fit and let it go. That's all for swimming!!
How to adjust the racing type head strap

Pushing the button, you can release the head strap. After releasing the strap, wear the goggles and pull the end of the strap until you have a decent fit and let it go. That's all for swimming!!

1. Release the head strap and wear the goggles loosely.

2. Pull up the end of the gead strap strongly to make the below strap tight

3.Pull it up until you have a decent fit and let it go.

1. Pull out the gasket below the nose part.

2. Push the thin coin into the gap.

3. Pull the coin down strongly.

4. The lens is disassembled with a tick sound.